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Getting Excited about our Software Development Kit

With the increasing cost and complexity of AI inference poised to overtake AI training investments in the coming years, the need for accessible and efficient solutions is more critical than ever. At NeuReality, we’re thrilled about the progress we’re making with our NR1 AI Inference Solution and its next Software Development Kit (SDK) release.

The NR1 tackles the biggest barriers to AI adoption: cost, complexity, and power consumption, providing:

1. Up to 90% reduction in operational costs: Drastically lower the ongoing expenses of running AI.

2. 13-15x greater energy efficiency: Minimize environmental impact and costs.

3. Ease of use, management, and scalability: Our purpose-built software platform streamlines the entire AI inference lifecycle, tackling complexity head-on.

NeuReality SDK: Powering the NR1

Our SDK is the driving force behind the NR1’s ease of installation, use, management, and scalability. We continuously refine our NeuReality Software and APIs based on early customer feedback, ensuring it delivers:

1. Optimized performance and ease-of-use through seamless integration with NR1 architecture 
2. Flexibility to leverage various hardware by supporting diverse acceleration devices
3. Compatibility with Python/PyTorch and other familiar tools
4. Scale effortlessly through efficient deployment of AI microservices
5. Maximize resource utilization and reliability through sophisticated orchestration
6. Accelerate time-to-market through a streamlined workflow for end-to-end AI applications

The Future of AI Inferencing Software is Here

We’re excited by the positive feedback and engagement from our earliest customers who are actively using our SDK, while testing and experiencing the price/performance and power-saving advantages of NR1-S versus CPU-centric architecture.

When we launch the full SDK, you will be able to access all the supporting documents on our Software Developer Portal including a User Guide, Installation Guide, Technical Specifications, Software Video Demonstrations, FAQ, Whitepapers  – all in one place on the portal. For an overview now, read our Software Development Kit and API Brief.

We envision a future where AI is accessible to all, and with our full software-supported approach, we’re making that future a reality.

The NeuReality Software Team in Israel integrating management, deployment and inferencing APIs every step of the way